
Chris Mudry


With over 25 years of experience, Chris understands the operational aspects of a commodity trading organization and risk management. He has built trading organizations from scratch and is skilled at managing small and large teams across different functions, geographical regions, business practices, and cultures.

得益于商业运营和重组经验,Chris 对商品行业的各个方面都有广泛的理解、经验和人脉,包括:贸易,风险,运营,合规,后台、贸易融资等。 在其的职业生涯中,Chris 密切参与了数个横跨石油、天然气、金属的 CTRM 软件系统的部署和管理。

Chris 毕业于日内瓦大学和日内瓦国际事务研究生院(GIIS),研究专长是国际贸易与国际法。此外,他还拥有荷兰尼伦罗德国际工商管理硕士学位,此学位由凯洛格管理研究生院(美国芝加哥)和斯泰伦博斯大学(南非开普敦)联合授予。

Jeff Carvell


Jeff Carvell has more than 25 years of experience in senior technology leadership during an international career in Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Financial Services.


Previously in a role advising board members and senior executive on technology strategic direction, Jeff has worked with startups, corporations in later series funding rounds and multi-nationals.


Accountable for both technology operations and transformation as well as leading business change unrelated to technology, Jeff has a consistent theme throughout his career of applying enabling technology to achieve strategic business outcomes.


Jeff studied at the University of Otago in New Zealand.

David Glasspool


David started his career in trading operations in Enron over 20 years ago and then moved on to be a natural gas trader for BP. Prior to sales, David spent over 7 years as a Senior Business Analyst for Amphora. This involved successful demos and implementations for new clients across multiple commodities including Oil, LNG, Biofuels, Concentrates.

David’s solid background in commodity trading is coupled with experience both in trading and project implementation, allowing David to have a clear and in-depth understanding of what is achievable and how.

For the last 2 year at Amphora, David has been responsible for driving revenue across all the company’s markets and regions.

David holds an MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial University.

Purushotham Reddy

Purushotham 负责为全球客户提供运维服务。 他的团队跟踪运营指标、推动持续改进、并制定战略提高运营效率。
他在应用程序开发和运维方面拥有超过 12 年的经验——对我们客户的业务成功至关重要。 Purushotham 同时协助项目部署,并确保 Amphora 一直保持最高的运维质量。
他于 2008 年以软件工程师的身份开始在 Amphora 的职业生涯,现已发展成为客户运维主管。

Patrick Burki


Patrick Burki 在瑞士和国际领域拥有30 年的财务、会计、税务、企业管理和管理咨询经验。

取得瑞士圣加仑大学商业管理学位后,Partrick 通过瑞士注册会计师考试,并在雀巢、瑞士信贷和普华永道任过多个内部和国际审计职位。之后其入职日内瓦一家著名的瑞士私人银行,担任财务职位。千禧年初,他在瑞士建立了自己的会计 / 税务 / 管理咨询业务,与银行、高净值个人以及瑞士和迪拜的各种家族办事处密切合作。

他曾负责 Amphora 收购时的尽职调查,在收购后,则留在 Amphora 董事会,目前担任首席财务官一职。
