Symphony CTRM
Symphony is a proven CTRM for commodity trading, logistics and risk management in crude oil, refined products, biofuels, coal, ore, LNG, agriculture and freight.
Capture deals and track them through their entire trade life cycle, with a full audit report. Generate trade recaps, confirmations, and invoices, view up to the minute physical price exposures, P&L and VaR across multiple strategies/shipments.
Developed over 25 years, Symphony has broad and deep functionality to support edge case business requirements straight out of the box.
Front office
- View overall exposure across multiple trade types, including FX, price, P/L and physical
- Value and view VaR on portfolios/strategies containing multiple trades/costs to assess hedging strategies
- Enter trade pricings and secondary costs with the flexibility to easily set up complex formulas that capture all optionality with no need for assumptions or approximations
- Capture trades quickly and automatically, without error, using defaults, tailored reference data and a trade formula library
- Create trade recaps
Middle office
- Integrate with price vendors to automate price loading and end-of-day processes
- MTM open positions with internal or published price curves, e.g. Platts/ICE
- Breakdown P&L attribution
- View trade price calculation
- Create trade confirmations
- View credit exposures
Back office
- Manage Accounts Payable and Receivable with links into accounting software for automatic updates
- Create invoices/confirmations
- Create rules to automate VAT costs (select if to contribute to P&L)
- Cash forecasting with comprehensive overviews
- Manage costs from the moment trade created
- Streamline logistics with management of transport, storage and load/discharge quantities with a full visibility and history of relevant timings and specifications
- Manage inventory with Weighted Average Cost Of Goods, WACOG, or First In First Out, FIFO, calculations
- Manage additional costs associated with the transportation, e.g. demurrage
- Minimise operational risk with user tailored workspaces
- Improve efficiency with no need to manually update spreadsheets
- Attach documents to the shipment so all information is stored in one place
- Full visibility with snapshots of company exposures and P&L through different parameters, e.g. strategy, trader, desk, commodity, shipment
- Straight-Through-Processing, STP, allows management of all areas from trade capture to settlement without repeated entry of the same data
- Set VaR limits to portfolios/traders
- Enhanced cyber security
- 3rd party integrations to minimise manual input/errors
- Manage compliance requirements without the need of spreadsheets
- Approve trades before scheduling
- Monitor trades during life cycle
- Audit trails
- Automate processes
- Create workflows
- Create reports for stakeholders with personalised dashboards
- Create reference data, for more info click here
- Create roles/permissions
- Create new commodities/markets
- Create additional fields in user interface for trade capture, shipments, invoices, portfolios
- Automate processes, e.g. end-of-day